Neighborhood Dances by Victoria Bradford

Neighborhood Dances by Victoria Bradford - Performance at the Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery - Photographs by Michael Courier

Victoria Bradford for Neighborhood Dances. You can watch parts of this performance here and here.

Neighborhood Dances by Victoria Bradford - Performance at the Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery - Photographs by Michael Courier

Aurora Tabar for Neighborhood Dances. You can watch parts of this performance here.

Neighborhood Dances by Victoria Bradford - Performance at the Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery - Photographs by Michael Courier

Marina Miliou for Neighborhood Dances. You can watch part of this performance here.

Neighborhood Dances by Victoria Bradford - Performance at the Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery - Photographs by Michael Courier

Xinqi Tao for Neighborhood Dances. You can watch part of this performance here and here.

Victoria Bradford is a body-based artist. For months she has been working on a series of dance performances that occur in residential neighborhoods—her movements explore the landscape and surroundings of her environment.

With headphones on, she dances to music that we cannot hear. Recorded with her phone and uploaded as short clips to the web, we are able to witness her inspiration.

This is Neighborhood Dances.

Victoria partnered with a small team of artists for a week that culminated with a group performance at the Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery. A day prior to the performance, on October 23rd, I met up with Victoria and her contributing artists to learn more about the project and to capture the process and preparation.

You can view the work the group created by searching the hashtag #neighborhooddances on Instagram.

Making images and capturing movement is always a thrill for me, but I equally enjoyed my conversations with the artists as we talked about art, process, and life. Though my involvement was brief, it was great to meet everyone who collaborated on the project and to stretch my body of work into new areas.

Puns, and sincerity, intended.

Neighborhood Dances by Victoria Bradford - Performance at the Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery - Photographs by Michael Courier

Notes for the final performance.

Neighborhood Dances by Victoria Bradford - Performance at the Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery - Photographs by Michael Courier

Ryan Packard, in the process of creating a live audio installation.

Neighborhood Dances by Victoria Bradford - Performance at the Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery - Photographs by Michael Courier

Victoria Bradford, center, collaborates with the artists involved in Neighborhood Dances.