Events with Peterson Garden Project

Event photography for Peterson Garden Project by Michael Courier

A ground-breaking with Peterson Garden Project at their new Grow Uptown garden.

Earlier this year, I started volunteering my photography services to a local nonprofit that I absolutely love — the Peterson Garden Project . They are located in Edgewater, and not too far from home. Their mission is to recruit, educate, and inspire everyone to grow and cook their own food.

This is our second year gardening with them, and it’s been a lot of fun to grow and to eat fresh vegetables on a regular basis. The gardens work on the traditional victory garden model, and they are located at various locations on the North Side.

You can learn more about Peterson Garden Project on their website.

Event photography for Peterson Garden Project by Michael Courier

Event photography for Peterson Garden Project by Michael Courier

Volunteers for Grow Uptown building new garden beds.

Event photography for Peterson Garden Project by Michael Courier

Event photography for Peterson Garden Project by Michael Courier

The cool and warm crop plant sales are fundraising events for Peterson Garden Project.

Event photography for Peterson Garden Project by Michael Courier

Event photography for Peterson Garden Project by Michael Courier

The cook book club meets at the Vedgewater location to celebrate and to share home-cooked meals.

Event photography for Peterson Garden Project by Michael Courier

Peterson Garden Project also offers a variety of cooking classes.

Event photography for Peterson Garden Project by Michael Courier

Event photography for Peterson Garden Project by Michael Courier

Event photography for Peterson Garden Project by Michael Courier